Monday, December 05, 2005

Oh Fugnimmity -_-

I got my biochem results. I got 68.

I guess its not that tragic cos i expected a credit anyway.

But its tragic because its not just a credit... its a borderline credit.

A borderline credit!! In the last exam I'll ever sit for the rest of my life.

I can't face my employers anymore!!! This is so bad. I'm so dumb. Omg. What the heck. This is the impending doom I've been feeling since the end of my exams I think.... getting such bad marks for a subject that is so critical for my future career.

If I'm so crap at biochem, should I just do microbio honours? Whats the point in pursuing a career which Im obviously not any good at... competition is high enough as it is. Why should I make things any harder for myself.

Is God trying to tell me something....?

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