Thursday, December 01, 2005


Dunno why but my nights have been becoming quite depressing lately. I kinda just sit there and stare at the computer screen. And I feel the feeling you get when you're in trouble and you're just waiting for your dad to come home from work and deal with you.

Why do I feel like this? I haven't done anything wrong. Why the guilt? Exam results?

I'm on holiday but I feel burdened and somewhat gloomy.

Sigh. Maybe its all the rain we've been having lately. Maybe I've got too much to do. Too many things on my mind.

Theres only one way to cure it. Get all the things on my agenda done. But no matter how much I do each day, everyday seems to just add on more onto the list. Sigh. Monotonous. Who says having fun is fun. Just cos its not work or studies, you think, why should it be stressful, why should it be tiring.

Great I'm grumbling now.

I should just go to sleep :(

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