Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yin and Yang...

The good:

Zane's band (Coalition of the Swinging) came to Manninig Bar at Sydney Uni last night and played some jazz. They picked up some people from the audience and just did some live jamming, which was totally mad. There was this guy with his violin and very big into irish/celtic/fiddler type music. And he just starts playing a repitition riff and the rest of the best (double bass, drums, keyboard, sax and soprano sax)somehow manage to jump into the rhythm and intertwine everything into something like irish jazz (!?). It was a gargantuan effort and I am most impressed with everyone's ability to improvise and play. As the drummer said, "some serious fusion going on... ". Quite enjoyable. :)

The bad:

On my way home, I stopped at Woolies to get some supplies. I'm stocking up my larder, preparing for Friday when I become dumber (literally and non) i.e. I'm pulling my wisdom teeth out. So after much MUCH debate, I decided to get Ribena. Which is expensive can I say!!! (#@$@%^$) And I was so happy but on my way home, the Ribena fell through the bag and all 1 Litre of it ended up on the sidewalk!! Argh D:

Woolies replaced it. It was late and I think they didn't want any trouble. So I guess that turned out pretty good as well. It was a small incident which taught me a big lesson about my faithlessness in God's hand. Need to grow.

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