Friday, September 16, 2005

Easy Wayness

Sitting at my desk with a bowl of boiled down assam laksa noodles. Procrastinating by reading other people's blogs and talking about a whole bunch of nonsensical nonsenses.

By today, I bought a total of 7 Easy Way drinks. I think I've finally reached my capacity. I figure, get sick of it while its cheap. Then I'll never ever have a craving ever again. The milk tea drink definately contributed towards the Easy Way Saturation Level.

I gotta read through the millions of Honours Projects offered and write to the supervisors about meeting up with them and talkign about the project they offer. I also have to write to the supervisors of the Summer Scholarship Program projects. SIgh. Its so much easier when they just spoon feed you and tell you, this is what you have to do. Freedom of choice is almost as evil as not havinga choice. Except when you have freedom of choice, you have no one else to blame except yourself. Not so Easy Way. (har har corny).

Gosh. The pressure...

1 comment:

BEVN said...

Can I have an Easy Way drink?