Monday, September 13, 2004


i just got back from Women's Katoomba Convention (WKC) yesterday. It was held at Katoomba (surprise surprise) over the weekend. Katoomba is the main town at the Blue Mountains, one of the "must-see" touristy spots around Sydney. So anyways, it was really awesome. There were about 3000 women...this bunch of people i chatted with on the lunch line had driven 5 hours in a van full of women all the way from Canberra! Goodness.... and I was complaining about my early start... o.o

The topic was "Walking with The Lord" and it talks about how our walk with God isnt just about reading the bible and praying (some things that usually come to mind when people go "So hows your walk with God?") but that its also about the way that we live. We can tell alot about a person by the way they walk. When theyre slouched, shuffling and staring at the ground, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Or if theyre striding along, bouncing and confident. It shows that theyre happy, on a mission and nothing but a 5 tonne meteorite could stop them. If they walk in perfectlyspaced steps, in a single line and know for sure that person has had a good upbringing. You get the idea. SO in the same way, our walk with the Lord, the way we live, shows our relationship with God.

We learnt that we should walk in truth and love. And that love without truth is not true love. And we should trust and obey him (theme song...stuck in my head. argh.) And there were some bits in Deuteronomy...i kinda fell asleep both talks. heh.

Got to meet more people from other congregations in my church..... theyre all really nice people. I felt encouraged to see old people still so devoted to God. I sometimes wonder if I will ever make it to the end but yea, God is a faithful God. If these girlies can make it, well so can I. I also learnt how to knit and to play Ligrettos. A really fast, furious and fun card game. Learnt how nice this person that I didnt think much of could be, and found someone whom I could potentially kep accountability with. Will keep praying about that one.

SO all in all, it was a really great weekend. Even though it was freezing, I was sooo tired and I didnt get to do anything I had planned to do over the weekend, I dont regret going one bit. And Im definately going net year, and the year after, and all the coming years.

One not-so-serious thing I found different was singing with 3000 women. They sounded very high and somewhat angelic :p Nice. But not as nice as with a co-ed congregation.

Twas cool. God is amazing.

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