Monday, September 20, 2004

My Sabbath Night...

The call of the dawn birds that rise above the soft "Conte Partiro" playing on my computer makes me realise just how "early" it is. This odd sense of peace and solitude makes me feel happy... just like how I would feel sitting down on a hot sunny day with a chocolate sundae in my hand. Its been awhile, my old friend.
My lack of work this semester has caused me to neglect you. You who kept me company through all those long and tiring nights. You who gave me peace in knowing that time really does go slower at long as you're awake to enjoy it.

My essay is finally done. Its not done wonders for my already raspy throat but here is a feeling that I had forgone for so long. Its some consolation for having to stay up. It really is.

I guess I'm someone who rather enjoys the quiet of the night. I enjoy the fresh breezes (no car exhaust at 4am!) and the rather odd feeling you get from staying up all night. Do you ever get that feeling? I rather like it. It took me awhile to get over the dark though and even now it sometimes creeps me out. But most times I like just being. Not doing much, not thinking much, just enjoying existance. Kinda like Sabbath. Like how God created the Sabbath for Man so that we can hav a day of rest to enjoy His creation. Thats kinda how I'm feeling now. Only less rest. :p Hahahaha.

Anyways. I should sleep.

" Sweet dreams til sun beams find you
Sweet dreams to leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me... "

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