Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lonely Items

Today I dropped by Broadway Shopping Center on my way home. I wanted to buy come cat food so that I could feed the cats in the quaint old pathway on my way to uni and back since Im trying to save money this month by walking to uni and walking home.

So I bought the cat kibble and then got distracted by a very large bag of chips. It was on sale, STUVAC is around the corner, so I purchased that too.

When I arrived at Cat Alley, I sat down and fed the cats for awhile, admiring their fur and beautiful eyes. It then ocured to me that buying a box of cat food (or any animal food for that matter) and an extremely large bag of chips was indicative of a highly bachelor lifestyle. And not only that, but a lonely lifestyle. It makes you think of empty studio apartments and late nights watching mindless movies (or heaven forbid, soap operas) while munching on a bag of chips. And of course, your ever faithful fluffy companion as your only company.

I felt like those girls you see in movies that lead a bachelor life and are too shy to go out and meet new people or do things. Inevitably, they also dont have any friends and if they do, theyre prolly online mates.

We all know that rants without solutions have no substance. So my solution? Buy two bags of chips and a large bottle of coke. Then it just looks like you're picking up a few supplies for a party.


Anonymous said...

invite tet over to eat the rest of the chips :P!! and maybe cat food???

swurple said...

hahaha i bought one bag. in a frail attempt to look less bachelor-y, i may have to buy two bags next time. but now i only have one bag and all my bag are belong to me. :P

Theo said...

there is NOTHING wrong with eating chips while watching tv with only your pet cat as your company dammit..
