Saturday, October 15, 2005

Closing Down Sale

Yesterday as I was walking to uni, Mitsubishi was handing out free Sydney Morning Heralds with their new Mitsubishi 380 splashes all over it. Freebie newspaper! I read that there was a book sale in George Street. Since I had to go to World Square, I thought I'd go look for the bookstore since it was directly across World Square (about two doors away from Delifrance). I walked in and there were stacks of books, and funny european accordian type music with this operatic rombust singer. Funny atmosphere.

Browsed through all the cds. Nothing interesting. And the interesting ones were too expensive :P $15 !? no thanks.

Browsed through some novel names. Nothing interesting. Too many books. No sciencey ones, and the few that were sciencey were too expensive. $20 !? You're kidding me.

Then I spotted the piles and piles of comicbooks and magazines (all wrapped, mind you!) that littered the floor of the shop. Oh my!!! There was all the old school harvey comics like casper, baby huey, richie rich. Then the old school disney comic like tale spin, chip and dale. The old marvel comics - xmen type. and power rangers. and a kajillion other old comics that never quite took off with funny names and old school drawings. old school man!! AND they had MAD magazines too! At a buck each!!! So I bought one. Tempted to buy two... but.... i dunno. 2 bucks can buy me 200g of chocolate y'know. So I stuck with one.

They also have this official Neopets magazine that was going at $20. At that price, it could very well be their first edition!! I see alot of value in the future for that magazine... but.... $20!? You're kidding me...

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