Monday, July 12, 2004

People and Places...

Today I met two new people.

The past week I felt like as if I was being anti-social because I had preferred to stay home rather than to go out. I sometimes become abit paranoid of becoming anti-social because:

1) It doesnt seem right for a christian to be such; and
2) being a science student, you're always out to prove the stereotype wrong.

But today I met 2 new people. I talked to them, learnt about them, had good conversations with them (kinda sorta) and I realise that sometimes, Im abit of an extrovert. Im abit of a good conversationalist and im abit easy going. I would even go so far as to say that sometimes Im one of those type of people that is able to strike up a conversation with just about anyone.

But that is sometimes. Few and far in between.

Most times....i tend to be shy and nervous. I tend to want to stay within my comfort zone. I like to wallow in my pajamas and watch cartoons, not having to see or talk to anyone. Most an introvert.

What is this ballet of personalities? One slipping in and then slipping out so quietly, so softly that one may mistake it for the same personality....

Im going to the Blue Mountains tommorow. My reserve of extroversion has been depleted. The outcome should be interesting. People are more interesting than places. Demography vs Geography. Label me.

I want to be a little bit more insane. Must read more books.

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