Thursday, May 20, 2004

Librarian? Moi?

Well my skills test didnt go too well, but it could've been alot worse as well. Sigh. Oh well. Thank God for Tet's past year skills paper :P

So now Im free and really should be catching up on my lectures but have endeavoured instead to organise my tapes. Sounds silly, sounds like a waste of time. It is. But I have this urge to do it. I kinda like organising things. Not events, but like rearranging stuff.

Maybe I should have a backup degree...yknow. A fallback just in case my fellow brainiacs (haha so humble) snap up all the labrat jobs. .. .. ( this is such a pun considering the world is currently running in what we call the "Rat Race"... lol ). Yea... degree in book sorting and shushing. Not an easy task without contributing alot of amilase unto the carpet, if you know what I mean ;p

Anyways. Just rambling.


Tet said...

Man, this blog is cool, i really like it.
How did u change it?

anyways, Don't worry too much abt skills test
coz it's not that important.
Ask me qs parts u didn't get..though i don't know how much i can be of help :P


swurple said...

Hullo! hahaha you only like it cos its in your favourite colour ;p lol. Yea stupid test. anyways. Have other things to worry about. Glad to know you're still reading my blog :P

I cant think of a reason to add to that statement. haha.. lalala...