Saturday, May 15, 2004

Cold eyes...

Y'know, I've always been quite affected by the way people look at me. Or rather the way their eyes look. Like, some people can be really nice and stuff but if their eyes look cold and hard, im really quite afraid to approach them. I like soft eyes. I heard that one's eyes are the window to his soul. Maybe thats why I look at people's eyes and warm up to them if I find warmth and kindness and life.

But Im getting carried away.

Now that winter is around, I find that my eyes get cold. :p Like, they start to get cold then they start to sting, and then they start to water a little and that makes them even colder.... its a vicious cycle. It doesnt happen all the time, but quite alot .. especially if Im walking or theres abit of a wind. I thought it was just something hilarious about myself to share. :P Cold eyes.

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