Friday, March 26, 2004


Well Im back at uni, full swing.

Apparently I have partial immunity to chicken pox, thats why I didnt get it as a kid. And now, getting it as a semi-adult, I didnt get a full blown version of it. The lesions are supposed to emerge in three waves. I only got the first wave and thus scuttled back to uni 3 days early.

Yesterday at Microbiology lecture we learnt about microbe morphology (shape and arrangement). So there we have specimen Staphylococcus, often affectionately called Staph. Named so because Staph means "chain" and coccus means "round/spherical". So thus chains of spherical stuff floating around. And I'm thinking... ooo so cool. Then I stroll out of the lecture hall, lalala, and before me should stand three girls, linked by a flurry of arm and cloth, giggling to themselves.

See that picture just demented my neurological being right cos i hate it when girls do that. It makes my squeamish inside out and all around and I feel a wave of contempt wash over me. Its just gross. And so I thought....oh my god. Staphomosapiens. A fate worse than that of our little darling Staph. who only causes bouts of pneumonia.

But then I felt happy again (lalala...) cos I felt proud of coming up with a name like Staphomosapiens. hahahaha. Im so pathetic... :P

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