Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Beware the evil chicken...

Remember how some time ago there was this huge chicken/bird flu scare? Yea well I didnt really give much though to it. Just ate it and went along my merry way. And then, and then... I got sick. And then, and then..... it turns out that I have thus contracted an ancient ancestor of the long line of chicken diseases.

I have chicken pox. ;p

Lol. I know im abit old to be getting it but when I was a kid, my sis got it and my family's attempt for me to contract it failed miserably. So here I am, finally succumbing to it 10 years down the line. Its Malaysian chicken pox too! Muahaha. Yea apparently incubation period is 3 weeks so since I've been home for 2 weeks, its likely I contracted it there.

Anyways Im on 10 days quarantine. Cheers mate! lol..

ps: Happy Birthday Dan!!

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