Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Prehistoric Sydney Uni...

I do apologise for my absence. It seems that my battle with the malevolence of inetrneticity is yet to be won, it getting the better of me this time.

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that we were in the far (or not-so-distant) future and the skies were grey with an odd tinge of red. The land was somewhat rockier than usual and quite barren. So there I was in and around what seemed to be a valcano, walking the opposite direction (as usual) to the rest of all the other life forms which were dinosaurs, walking in pairs, talking to each other. It seemed to me like as if it was the end of days and so I turned and followed the stream of dinosaurs into a huge crowd of humans. And there, upon a podium, behold the mighty.....activist. She went on and on about how we humans were using up precious resources and polluting he planet in an exponential manner (due to backward methods or lack of resources) to produce things that werent essential for life, such as cosmetics. She went on to prove this point with examples yada yada. Think woodstock, only stressful and greenie. So anyways I realise that I needed to go for Biochem lab and lo and behold, the patch of grass the sea of humans sat upon was the lawn in front of the Biochem building. Needless to say the alarm went off and I woke up feeling rather tired and disturbed. I also had the sensation of deja vu. Don't you just hate activist dreams... x.x

So anyways while I was brushing my teeth after awaking, I was just thinking to myself about how opinions are quite the result of peer pressure. Society these days expect you to have an opinion about everything. If you dont, it means that you are an ignorant and indifferent being. The matter of the fact is, I thought, that you cannot make an opinion about something unless you had in depth knowledge of it. Otherwise you're just making presumptious pre-judgements; a characteristic which I find less than honourable. And nobody can have an in depth knowledge about everything. Different people like different things and wordly knowledge is so variable. So what is it with the opinions already!?

Dirty Harry said, and I quote " An opinion is like an arse. Everybody has one. " Is this because the educated and elite society pressures you into forming one despite our clear limited knowledge in some areas? Or is it because we like to think so highly of ourselves, that we should be beings of thought? Is an opinion merely a secondary metabolite of pride?

I don't really know and at 6.30 in the morning, I dont really care. But its just something i thought I'd share with you. Just another snippet of the thoughts which incesantly weave in and out of my head.

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