Saturday, March 06, 2004

Its a question of duty ...

Well. Once again my head is but a blank. Nothing inside, not even air. Just a vast empty vacuum. And yet, I click on my blog and notice how I have not written in 3 days or so. Which is really quite tragic.

Quite tragic.

What of my faithful followers who so faithfully follow my blog? They will become bored and restless, the more paranoid even worried as to what has happened to my apparently infinite supply of incoherent thoughts. And so, with a love for crown and country, I muster up all my energy and scrape out every last bit of thought lingering at the back of my rickety skull. I sit and contemplate the pile of rubbish staring back at me. I distress. O the lack of muse.

Courage lads! For Crown and for Country! And again I sit down and hear the battle cries swirling in my head. What to do, what to do??

Well apparently, as of some things in life, not much has to be done to achieve something. Because here I am 178 words later ( yes, I counted ), grinning menacially to myself, patting myself on the back for having tricked The System. Before me lies another random object of pure genius (or madness, one can never tell). With a glint in my eye, I rub my hands in glee and cackle to myself about how inferior The System is; how easily manipulated that someone as paralyzed as me can dodge it's fiery wrath.


Viva la revolution!!

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