Sunday, February 22, 2004

In a nutshell...

I lead worship today. It was an awesome experience. I can't wait to join musos come March.

Mission OD Honey Stars
Status: Failed
Comments: I only managed to plow through a box of honey stars and now I'm sick of it already. I dont think its even scientifically possible to eat honey stars till it oozes out of my ears anyways, so I'm stopping.

Mission Blog Commenter
Status: On-going
Comments: I found a couple. Was very taken by YACCS despite its acronym appearance. To my horror I had stumbled upon yet another elite "we do not accept anymore members" program. I spent half a day reading some 152 comments (or debate) between the authors of YACCS, Squawkbox.TV, Haloscan, SnorComment, Enetation etc (the whole deal including some amateur/new authors) and a couple of mixed opinion users. Was not very impressed by Haloscan. Have decided against it. Also tried looking for a free visual challenge-respond program to reduce blog-spam but could not find any. Project was on hold for a couple of days as I was busy with other matters. Project has been resumed.

Jars Of Clay's latest cd WHo We Are Instead was muchly anticipated by me because they said they were going back to their roots and producing an accoustic album. They should've said grassroots instead because half the album is pretty country. Im not a big fan of country. I can handle the occasional Dixie Chick hit but an entire album? Needless to say, first impression wasnt so great. Jars Of Clay songs have a knack of growing on you though.

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