Friday, December 10, 2004

Day One... first morning in Malaysia. Feels like as if I never left since the last time i was here (1 year ago). Its nice seeing family again, my sister is a frenzied ferret cos her arts festival thingy starts today. She got me a T-Shirt and an all excess pass that says" Freeloader" i.e. I get everything for free!!! woooot. so cool :D and and its got my name on it too! its so proffesional. Happy ^^

The cats...well Cheemos dumped us for another family!! Of all the ungrateful.... but we're stuck with 5 cats now. Very friendly and theres this one cutie-pie. SO adorable! But theyre all sick with cat flu i think... and diarrhoea. Maybe its worms. So sad. :( But we're supposed to give them away ASAP so yea...i dunno whats gonna happen. Allergies are amazingly suppressed. Not completely gone, but not as reactive as before. Could be due to the repeated exposure which builds some sort of immunity, and also because CHeemos is gone and she was the only cat allowed into the house. So less proteins flying around in the house. Although, the cut on my arm is really itchy! Must try to wrap it up before i play with the cats. Oww...

Mission for the rest of my stay:

1) Eat alot
2) Watch alot of cable
3) Read alot

Dontcha love holidays.


Tet said...


glad u're safe and sound.

send me the pics of the cats!!

swurple said...

I cant send you the pics cos i dont have a digital camera. So sad too cos the cats are leaving soon!! Aunty is pushing to get rid of them TODAY!!!! *cry*