Friday, January 20, 2006

Week after mission

Been working all of this week. Work is tiring, boring and being at uni is like waaay better. At uni, your aim is to please yourself, maybe your parents. At work, your aim is to please your boss. At uni, you dont feel like going to uni, nobody gives a flying lemon peel. At work, your reputation and conscience is at stake. At uni, lecturers fill you with ideas and amaze you with knowledge. At work, you just feel plain dumb at your lack of ability to contribute and think.

In short, I cant wait for February.

They say that you often walk away with an "after mission high". Well...where is it!? Give me mission over work any day. At least Disco and Lau-lau are there to cheer you up every morning.

On the bright side, its Friday night and tommorow is Saturday and I havent got anything on at church on Sunday which gives me 2 days (supposedly) of relaxation and cleaning to catch up on. But also to try and get some work done because I screwed up at work so now I gotta make up for it. ;_;

Oyah oyah and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAL!!! =^.^=

1 comment:

Rachel said...

P/S Ok I know your in concert time and this is not your first year at CSB ... Richard and I were wonering ... who are you!? We were involved less with mission this year as we thought we were moving but I think we probably know most of the older team members :)