Tuesday, November 08, 2005

In the last days...

Last Sunday Pastor Pete talked about James 5:7-11. One point he picked up was how we are in the last days, so have patience until it comes and persevere. And He says how theres a frustrating anticipation, we're there but not quite. For us christians, it will be a day of much joy and relief. For others, it won't be looking so great. You might even have the image that while they're waiting in line to be judged, they have this impending sense of doom. You think losing mummy's wedding ring was bad? You just wait.

But I know what its like to be in the last days. I know that its the most frustrating thing ever for alot of us. For alot of my friends as well. To anticipate. To know that one day our rags will be renewed, that one day none of this will matter and feel like life really wasn't so bad after all.

On the other hand, I also know what its like to dread because I'm in the last days. Dread that the end is near, dread that everything I've worked for all semester is going to be utterly worthless. Because my exams start tommorow. And I literally am, in the very last day of my last days. And of course, theres nothing worse than putting in the effort, the time and the money (and not even your money at that) and then to see it all wasted because your friggin brains couldn't keep up with everyone else. Then you'll say, meaningless meaningless. Utterly meaninglesss.....

And then I'll go back to hoping the end comes before my results come out.. ><
Anyways, Pete says remind yourselves everyday:

1) I am a son of God
2) God is my Father
3) Heaven is my home
4) edit: Everyday I spend on earth is one day closer to Heaven. (Amen!)

okay. Maranatha.


BEVN said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the 4th point was something like... everyday I'm one day closer to heaven.

swurple said...


i must put into le post.