Missed blogging yesterday due to an overwhelming sense of duty for my beauty sleep. I slept for 11 hours and I feel great! Hehe. Yesterday was a pretty interesting day I think for alot of people. . .
Firstly, it was my cousin's uni graduation day. So yea everyone in her year/course graduated and its nothing short to be proud of. As a first year uni student, I now have alot of respect for people who have gone through uni. My goodness... its heaps tough! And computer programmers....dont you EVER say theyre stupid becos Software 1001 was the hardest thing I took this semester....so hard that Im dropping it next. Not worth it, I say. Im sorry for being so stupid :<
Secondly, you ever heard of American Idol? Yea some brilliant producer decided to bring it here and they were having auditions at Wentworth Building, University of Sydney.... my uni, incidently. Apparently 4000 ppl showed up and the response was so great that they've decided to extend the auditions by a day. A chance for some of them to become noticed. Yea, good for them. God's given them a talent and they should use it, otherwise it'll go to waste. Would be better if they gave it back to Him but hey, who am I to say such things. Im just a newbie blogger with absolute dribble.
Thirdly, Friday the 13th of June was also the day Oxfam(?) had their 100km walk in aid of...well...AIDS. A couple of my friends went for it and I must say, Im rather impressed. 100kms takes about 30 hours of non-stop walking and that means forgoing sleep. Im inclined to believe that my friends are still walking as it probably would have only been 25 hours since they started. Now this is something. They're helping people by giving, sacrificing. Most times we drop some coins into the Salvos box and we think, "well, Ive done my good deed of the day." But that doesnt really cut it, does it? Those few coins didnt really make a bg impact on our lives....we could afford it. Yea but people who do things that hurt them, make them sacrifice like the 40 Hour Famine or the 100kms Oxfam Walk, thats really something. It shows that theyre serious about helping others and it shows a true noble quality within them. Im proud to have friends like that and I can see that its people like this who can go really far in life cos they arent afraid to take challenges by the horns and to just go for it.
Lastly, A-Levels exams in Malaysia just finished! Woohoo.. hehe. Finished for two of my friends anyways, not really sure if it included the whole bunch of them. Finally, freedom for them and yet they've walked through another gate into another road. This road leads them to university, and this road is by far narrower and rockier. Big decisions to make and just pray that God will give them the wisdom to do what pleases Him and to honour their family and yea, pray that they will have the opportunity to follow their dreams. Nothing worse than having all the time and potential in the world to realise your dreams but to not have the opportunity to do so. And thats the thing that sometimes scares me the most these days. I know Im gonna graduate in a coupla years and then its working adulthood for the rest of my life. I have yet so much to achieve, so much I could do. Technology is moving at such a fast pace I wouldnt be surprised if the whole world either transforms or collapses before I die. And to think that I may contribute towards some of that change.....its.....awe-inspiring...and terrifying.
Thus concludes my thoughts for the day, for some people its just another day and for some others, its a significant part of their lives, forever to be etched in their memories. We shouldnt forget that this good day, it is a gift from God. As Jamie said, " Everyday's a bonus!" :)
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