Thursday, July 28, 2005


Today is our 2nd Year Anniversary. :) I've looked forward to this day...but...we didn't do anything special. Tet went to RICE music practice. I ate oatmeal for dinner. x.x However, we DID make lasagne on Monday night and watched Sin City on Tuesday night. Can I say...I don't understand that film at all.

Anyway, its been a memorable relationship. Lots of ups and downs. But Tet's a good man. I guess we all have our shortcomings so who am I to complain.

Anyways, this is him making lasagne which overflowed becos he packed about 800g of mince into 3 layers of lasagne sheets xP We were fishing for the sheets when we ate it. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack. hahahahaha. Funny guy. :P


swurple said...

haha thank you..

yea sin city is abit dark, its over dramatised reality.

and its somewhat like an 80's detective novel for some reason...

i think you will like it... :p

Amita Chong said...

two years??that means i haven't seen your ugly mug for more than two years!!!!!

Amita Chong said...

thats great btw. hehe im' really happy for you.
and i was watching spongebob yesterday and sandy squirrel reminds me of you

swurple said...

what the...!? #@%@%^$#&%^$*%*&%*%^$^#%$!@#@!@????

* sticks a pineapple into your ears *

B. said...

Congratulations, you two :)

Funny lasagne story XD...

80's??! Try more like 40's or 50's :P Black and white film, and the character stereotypes are typical of that era.

(Haha, I think I know now what people ten or twenty years older than me must have felt like when I was younger and referred to "the sixties" as a synonym for "old times". ^^')

swurple said...

ah yes...i didnt want to give away the whole black and white thing :p lol. but tis true...theyre more 50's 60's.... such a glamour puss era ^^

swurple said...

er 40's 50's.. my bad o_o