Sunday, October 03, 2004

A little birdy told me...

Due to the latest photos of my darlings, there have been advertisements on the side bar claiming that a new formula had been created to help fight against the Candida yeast, which can cause a multitude of infections such as thrush. Indeed, it had been an old wives tale that eating yoghurt would help its symptoms due to the probiotic effect of the Lactobacillus. It was always viewed as an alternative treatment and was even recommended by pharmacists.

However, latest research from the University of Melbourne shows that it doesn't actually have any effect on reducing symptoms of thrush or preventing it. The paper was published this year in the British Medical Journal and is available for free public viewing, or I can send it to you by email because I have it on my computer. Marie Pirotta et al. treated patients with Lactobacillus powder (for a more consistent concentration of bacteria) and with placebo powder and found that those that had been treated were no less likely to develop post-antibiotic vulvoanginitis than those treated with the placebo.

So anyways, just thought I'd bring my readers up to date about these things. Don't always trust advertisements. :p

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