Tuesday, January 27, 2004

The old has past, The new has come.

Since I've had so much time on my hands to muck around on the internet, I've spent some of this time improving (or what I deem an improvement anyways) my blog, which will shall from henceforth be known as a journal. However, this blog holds many jars of my thoughts and emotions, and I would still like to keep the blog. Thus, upon entering my new journal, there will be a link to this old one, which I shall type in every once in awhile to keep it up and running.

Please go to http://www.swurple.tk for all the latest results of my idiosyncrasies. And for all of you who follow the blog religiously...don't you have a life? ;p lol. Thanks though. Please keep logging on to my .tk address so I can keep it. Cheers!


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