Monday, July 07, 2003


Hehehe... a whole bunch of my friends are over for the holidays. All of them I met ages ago at our little Malaysian church back in Bangsar. All of us have come to Australia to study....the two guys are from Canberra, the two girls from Melbourne. Yea its so cool cos having them over is like having a mini-BGC camp. So nice! I didn't think I would ever feel this way again till I went back in Dec but awwwrgh!! This is just the best ever... and today we went to church together and they got along soOoo well with each other I was so happy. Yep... theres really nothing like good friends and theres really nothing like good OLD friends cos you know so much about them already that everything fits comfortably.. like you dont get weird surprises about them and you especially dont manage to offend them cos we know which areas to tread and which to avoid. But new friends are cool too cos you learn lots of new things. Yea... so... sight seeing Sydney but I feel like Im home. Life is seriously grand. So grand.

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