Thursday, March 22, 2007

comfort food

I was in Malaysia and found a new product: honey stars...only in berry flavour! Honey stars is one of the food items on my "must-eat list" when I go home so I was quite surprised to see this noob on the product shelf. My initial reaction was delight. And then scepticism. So I reached out for my usual box of honey stars, hugged it and brought it back to Sydney with me. Its still unopened. Maybe one day when I'm feeling really sad/crap/homesick ill open it and have a piece of my homeland soaked in calcium goodness. If you wanna try some, pop by and ask. Honey stars only. No newfangled Generation-Z berry stars... o.O


ayske said...
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swurple said...

i dunno ive never tried these.

the honey ones are like froot loopy i think. but less sugar on the coating. mmm...