Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Just today. Just is.

Today was quite a good day. Nothing bad happened (besides being bitten by ants... ow ow ow... ) Nice weather, laughed most of the day, had a dose of my daily dohs. Listened to some of my favourite songs, strummed a couple on my guitar, figured my voice is getting crappier by the year and yea.... I now have the luxury of going to sleep early. A luxury I dont usually have as a uni student.

I keep thinking I should shut down this site, but I know that when I do I'm going to regret it. You know what would be a good 21st pressie for me. To print out all the junk I've accumulated on this blog and bind it into a book and give it to me. Some of my best works (poetry in particular) are buried within these pages.

** You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden **

Bradbury: your blog site address PLEASE! kodesai!!

Captain Bolognese is coming... Bob is connecting Hakkai to the internet on monday, so that will prolly be when Tet sends the pic to me. For some reason he seems to think my current laptop is non existant and refuses to acknowledge it any longer. Funny how men think. Or maybe its just the mind of a consumer. Or maybe Im dramatising it.

Need salt?

1 comment:

B. said...
