Y'know how pregnant ladies tend to get rather odd cravings during their pregnancy? Well i recently read a gossip column on this superstar who had the urge to smash glass. o.o lol thats just bizzare. But yea lately I've been feeling like shopping and stuff. So been doing alot of very time consuming, money consuming things.
I watched Alexander today. Not as bad as I expected, although it didnt make me cry. So thats abit of an indicator of how emotionally jarring/shocking it was cos even anime makes me cry =p and as my aunty once said, " Good movies make you cry ". Agreed.
Got to listen to a couple of albums, although not fully. Got this weirdo album from a 2nd hand store, i think its like dutch or something. Theyre called Savage Affair. Not bad. Interesting lyrics. Also finally got a Sting album. He's good. Tet got Marron 5. They're awesome. Dan lent me his Switchfoot. This album, i MUST get! Still looking for my Jars of Clay - Much Afraid album. If you have it, please give it back cos I cant find it and I'm worried for it. :/
Finally bought a computer, it should be arriving tommorow, if those crooks decide that my business is worth it. I'm very excited though. But my happiness is tainted by their dishonesty. It will forever be tagged alongside my latest addition to my list of Precious Items. He will be named Hakkai.
Work experience is boring as usual and a waste of time. I'd much rather be getting some much needed rest. It could be me being a hypochondriac, but i swear my tummy feels sore. I think I'm either just tired or my liver is giving way. No signs of jaundice though, so I reckon its the former. I found out that the proper name for jaundice is icterus. Latin, oy vey.