Saturday, November 27, 2004


Wow... what a week! Went by in a flash.... and yet, I feel like as if exams were so long ago. When in actual fact they were only 7 days ago. Time is so subjective. It flies and leaves you behind. Anyways, Im kinda glad this week is over, although it means im a whole week closer to going back to Malaysia. Its gonnabe a hectic, hectic holidays.

So anyways, next week is a good opportunity for me to start listening to this year's AnCon talks. Ive got some cds and a book. We (the reader and I) should have a talk about the talks. Just to clarify things, and to keep me accountable. Otherwise Im never getting any of it done! Time just whizzes and next thing i know its the new year and my tapes sit on the shelf and collect dust. What a waste! Precious, precious talks.

Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away

*In The End :: Linkin Park*

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