Thursday, April 01, 2004

Iocus Divinus...

April Fool's Day today and God played a big joke on me yesterday.

What happened was, 30th of March was my uncle's birthday. So being the 11th hour person that I am (or 13th hour) I went to the store to get him a card yesterday. As I was browsing, lo and behold, I saw a card that had a photograph printed on it. And what should it be but a place in Penang!!!! Yes, I kid you not. When Tet and I went to Penang for holiday, we kept passing this little cobbler called Hong Kong Shoe Shop. And I really liked the way it looked, and so I spent many days waiting for the perfect moment to take a picture of it (I finally took it 2 1/2 days later). ANd then I see the same image printed on a card, a card printed in Australia...sitting in my university's stationary shop!!!!!!!!!!!! Im like..... WOT!?????? @#$%^&%$!!!!!????????? So I bought the card (stupid thing cost $4) and yea, when I develop the picture, Im gonna show this to everyone. Or like anyone who asks nicely. Haha. So if you've read this and you want to see the joke God played on me, dont hesistate to ask.

I've always thought that God had a sense of humour. Just some of the things that happen to me makes me think of Him slapping His divine thigh, roaring at my absolute surprise. And thats the thing that makes jokes and stuff funny right. The element of surprise. God never fails to surprise me!!! Hahahaha.

But yea, just the fact that humour and wit and stuff are a part of everyday life and something quite admirable tells you that it is a good thing which God has. Because we were made in the image and likeness of God. I really thank God for humour and laughter. I really cannot see how life could ever be manageable without it. So yea, don't take it for granted man! Its a God given gift. :)

ps: Happy Belated 21st sis!! Love yew! :)

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