Wednesday, May 30, 2007

a little NERVous...?

This is the logo for the NERV company in Evangelion. I wonder if any of you have ever had a close look at it, and noticed what it says. It says,

" God's in his heaven, All's right with the world".

The company motto seems to be implying that as long as God minds His own business, then everything will be fine. I can see why some people think that. Some people see God as this bored, reclining greek-esque god who is looking down on Earth to see what kind of mischief he can cause for his entertainment.

Although NERV's company motto seem philosophically sound, almost romantic for those pseudo-emo poets, it just simply isn't true. This is basically why:
1) God made everything good and perfect. However, we humans decided that we've had enough of God and want to live our own way. So we reject God, ignore and neglect Him, and run our own lives.

2) As a result, we are a race that does wrong, sinful things. We lie, we cheat, we hurt other people, we give in to temptation, we ultimately seek to honour ourselves over and above everyone, especially God. The world is falling apart.

3) God still loves us and yearns to be in a relationship with us. However, God is perfectly good. He is holy and cannot tolerate wrong doing. So...

4) God decides to do something about this by sending His son, Jesus, to pay the price of our sin (death). By doing this, we appear righteous in God's eyes and we can finally and joyfully fulfill what we were made to do: be in relationship with our Creator and to glorify Him. Btw...

5) Jesus is God Himself, come down to Earth as a man to suffer for us (He is both fully man, and fully God). In this way, He understands our deepest hurts and needs, and satisfied God's wrath against our rebellion by dying on the cross. Oh, Did you know...

6) Jesus is one day going to come back down to Earth again. And when He does, He's going to make everything perfect. As it should be. No more hurts, sadness, anger, misunderstandings, folly, worry. No more death. Except for those who never took the time to accept His gift of eternal life. They're .. well... going to Hell i guess.
If you had followed the arguement up to here, you may see that the only way things will ever be "well with the world" is if God personally does something about the way we are now. We have obviously done a crap job of it despite trying for thousands of years. What God did was to come out of "his heaven" onto our earth and provide a way where we can be right with Him again.

In short, the Absolute Truth pwns NERV. You fail it NERV! Skill is not enough!! >)


ayske said...
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Anonymous said...

the whole of Japan is anti-Christian. A culture of self-fulfillment and living for the present. There is almost none in that country that has a mind for God and what he wants to say.

Anonymous said...

Chris, you mean that most Japanese follow a religion based on reality?