Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Bye bye 2006, thanks Daddy for another year where you've shown your love, grace and mercy. And thanks for showing your faithfulness yet again.

Hello 2007. I'm scared of you. But Daddy will be with me.

argh Cowra in 5 days!

Edit: family is possibly one of the biggest joys and annoyances in life. Sigh.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas! :)

I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10b-11

Sunday, December 24, 2006

EEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me got a blender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks sally ann!! ^^ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, December 23, 2006

maybe sometimes i think too little . . .

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Airport Arrivals

I think the airport arrival terminal is one of the happiest places to hang. Everyone looks so excited and eager as they anticipate the arrival of their loved ones. At the first glimpse of aforementioned loved ones, everyone has differing reactions. Some jump up and down and squeal, others encourage their kids to run ahead and hug while they bemusedly trail after them. Everyone looks so happy, so fulfilled.

I too waited perhaps abit too eagerly. I made sure I was at least half an hour earlier than the arrival time in case the flight was early. The arrival terminal in Sydney airport has 2 gates...A/B and C/D. Due to this structure, one must constantly be on a lookout from two directions in each gate lest a loved one should manage to forlornly slip by unnoticed.

So in my eager beaver state, I spent about an hour craning my neck, performing short bouts of jigs as I peered around large people, and maintained eagle eye surveys on the two exits. Needless to say, after a mere 4 hours of sleep, this got very tiring and I began to lose concentration. Thus I started day dreaming and have come upon this conclusion:

Waiting too early for a loved one at an airport arrival terminal is similar to the feeling of waiting for Jesus.

This is because we wait with eager anticipation and do so as long as we have to, with full knowledge that the person we expect will show up....even if they only show up an hour later than expected (or 3000 odd years). After awhile, we become discouraged and are tempted to stop being watchful. But then, in the corner of our eye, we observe clues that give away the fact that our loved one is coming soon. In this case, it was the approaching air stewardesses of MAS. And this renews our hope and strengthens our will to watch and wait...just a little longer. Our loved one will soon be with us.

In the last days, we are told to be watchful, alert. The hour will come like a thief in the night. Our diligence will be rewarded, so persevere. Be strong and courageous. And persevere.
its raining. i love sleeping when it rains.

6 hours to go. :)

Grace by U2 reminds me of mel. i wonder how O3T is going.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

so faithful, my God is. :) Thanks Daddy.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

be strong and courageous

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I recently read that the gates foundation donated a large sum of money towards the fight against malaria. I was pleasantly surprised with their donation choice. As a scientist, it grieves me quite abit to know that there are alot of preventable diseases in the world (like malaria) which are only hanging around because there are so many peripheral things which get in the way. Money. Politics. Ignorance. Indifference.

Malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS are the 3 biggest threats in the world. AIDS everyone knows about. But nobody cares about malaria and tuberculosis. I bet you didnt even know that someone who has had malaria can get it again. Yes. They're still at risk.

Everybody funds cancer research because rich people regularly suffer and die from it. And it really is a terrible disease. I've seen with my own eyes what it can do. But really... don't you think some of that funding could be put towards helping the poorer countries cope with ridiculous things like dying of dehydration due to diarrhoea?

Its about time someone raised awareness about diseases that kill people unnecessarily. Which costs so little to just alleviate so much suffering. Death in a third world country hurts families just as much as death in developed countries. Maybe even more so when you know so many of those deaths could potentially have been so easily avoided.

Good on you Bill and Melinda for choosing malaria.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Take heart
Be strong and courageous
Though it seems like ages
God has a plan

He's shown
Himself to be faithful
Infinitely able
His justice will stand

And know
His grace is sufficient
His love is abundant
For all who believe

This world
Though it is passing
God is everlasting
And His plans will concieve

[God said], "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

[Joshua said], "Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.
Joshua 23:14

Joshua is a great book to read. There are only 24 chapters, so the two exerpts above I guess sort of summarise what I got out of the book during my first ACES Weekend Away in 1st Year; that God is faithful and will fulfill His promises and so we should be strong and courageous to do what He has commanded us to do. It has provided alot of comfort to me. You should give it a go. :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I had a million things to do today but stubbornly stayed up late, woke up later and procrastinated steadily. I came across this year's RICE photos and then i saw it.


Dual-churching fiend!

Sally-Ann you traitor!!!!!!!!! :P

I always knew there was something dodgy about her... hehehe...

Friday, December 08, 2006

isnt it amazing? its like the pain just never tires of ebbing . . .

Thursday, December 07, 2006


"Your own conduct and actions
have brought this upon you.
This is your punishment.
How bitter it is!
How it pierces to the heart!"

Oh, my anguish, my anguish!
I writhe in pain.
Oh, the agony of my heart!
My heart pounds within me,
I cannot keep silent.
For I have heard the sound of the trumpet;
I have heard the battle cry.

Disaster follows disaster;
the whole land lies in ruins.
In an instant my tents are destroyed,
my shelter in a moment.

Jeremiah 4:18-20

Monday, December 04, 2006

Two days early!!! :D

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cafe On Pyrmont

Tet and I went to my uncle's favourite cafe today for brunch. I just have to rave on about this place!! The food is alright, average i would say. But oh man, the customer service is so good!!!

I think I'm a person who values customer service more than anything, and this place is probably one of 2 places that has ever recieved a 10/10 for customer service in the entire 22 years of my eating-out experience. They're really friendly and helpful and by george, highly competent! Very hard to find an entire restaurant with competent waiters in this day and age.

Even once, I made a mistake but they weren't annoyed or anything. So professional! I walked away feeling really happy and positive. It just made my day! Seriously. I didnt even feel bad for paying them a ridiculous amount of money for a breakfast I could have cooked myself.

Okay end rave. Point of this entry: Go eat there!!! :D