Saturday, July 21, 2007

Song lyrics

I was talking to Mandaliet about song lyrics and stuff. About how I place a high importance on lyrics cos I reckon alot of songs sound similiar otherwise, and too few songs would stand out. He reckons he chooses based on music over lyrics cos even in English, alot of lyrics dont make sense anyway. He then mentioned he drew a comic about it once. I think the comic is funny cos its SO TRUE. Those lyrics are real btw. Click on the comic to go to his comic site. Manda is a funny panda :}


ayske said...

thats so true with enjoying a song for the music. so tru wif music when i understand the language.. a gd example recently with one of oasis' songs (again!).."married with children".. i used to find the lyrics so cheesy..but grew to love it for the raw sound of the guitar and liam's voice..

ayske said...

*when i dont understand the language