Sunday, November 05, 2006

Which Element Are You?

Helium (He)
Lucky Number 2

You are balanced and independent. You might not form strong bonds with others but when a party is on you are first on the scene.

You consider yourself the most noble of gases. But is it really noble to hog your electrons and live apart from the rest of us, Helium? Your first report card read "does not work or play well with others" and frankly you don't seem to get that that's not a compliment. Sure you're rare here on earth but in the universe at large your type is common as mud (SiO2.C2HnOx). In fact you're so colourless, odourless and unreactive it's hard to know you're around. Take note: the world doesn't revolve around you Helium. (Ok strictly speaking it does because the stupid sun is about 80% Helium, but here on earth you're NOTHING!).

Famous Heliums
Laurie Oakes

Ideal Partner
Don't bother Helium. You are the original lone wolf - it takes about 13000 Volts to get you to even mingle let alone bond and settle down with anyone else. Stop wasting our time and just float on out to space where you belong.

(Ed: owch. )


Anonymous said...


i thought that they'd have something funny about helium changing ppl's voice..

so what's the link? :D

swurple said...

i dont think thats hyperlinked ... not sure if html works in comments. sorry.. hehe. Will be looking out for your element :P