Wednesday, November 29, 2006

These people I miss...

  • no kangaroos in Austria
  • you nut!
  • rave rave rave rave rave
  • pancakes and bogan sauce
  • 2 minute death
  • location location location
  • with every breath
  • same old **** different day
  • uhhrrrr... okaaaayyyy.....
  • stone monument of friendship

Monday, November 20, 2006

Club Veg tommorow!!!! :D

Friday, November 17, 2006

Of course, many mistakes have been made in the development of science. Its technologies have been used for evil purposes, and its theories have been wrongly used to justify blind philosophical leaps into atheism. But we can learn from science, for all truth is God's truth. Psalm 19, for example, indicates that there are two forms of God's revelation: the 'book' of nature is God's general revelation; the book of the Bible is God's special revelation. General revelation does not save anybody. Special revelation is God's specific words about His character and dealings with humanity; His plan of salvation culminating in Jesus. This you cannot discover by looking at a sunset or into a test-tube.
Sandy Grant

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Only evil all the time

"The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain." Genesis 6:5-6
Its so easy to not realise how wicked man's heart is when we go about our daily lives, minding our own business. Especially if you're middle class and everyone you know probably have some form of integrity and values from their upbringing.

But sometimes some things happen, and you realise just how wicked man's heart is.

And just how much capacity for love and forgiveness God really has.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

No one in the world is more genetically similar to me

And yet we couldnt be more dissimilar

And I couldnt be more unknowing

If ignorance is bliss, then why does it hurt?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Which Element Are You?

Helium (He)
Lucky Number 2

You are balanced and independent. You might not form strong bonds with others but when a party is on you are first on the scene.

You consider yourself the most noble of gases. But is it really noble to hog your electrons and live apart from the rest of us, Helium? Your first report card read "does not work or play well with others" and frankly you don't seem to get that that's not a compliment. Sure you're rare here on earth but in the universe at large your type is common as mud (SiO2.C2HnOx). In fact you're so colourless, odourless and unreactive it's hard to know you're around. Take note: the world doesn't revolve around you Helium. (Ok strictly speaking it does because the stupid sun is about 80% Helium, but here on earth you're NOTHING!).

Famous Heliums
Laurie Oakes

Ideal Partner
Don't bother Helium. You are the original lone wolf - it takes about 13000 Volts to get you to even mingle let alone bond and settle down with anyone else. Stop wasting our time and just float on out to space where you belong.

(Ed: owch. )

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Today I've noticed...

  • the irridescent pearly insides of an almond kernel
  • the heavy exotic smells that waft out when you open the spice cupboard door
  • the twinkling of the giant christmas tree in QVB as you're washed over by the resounding music of the grand piano
  • the wispy peach-softened vermillion snaking itself across the blue dusk sky
  • "I tell her, because I don't know how to say what I really want to: that the people you love can surprise you every day. That maybe who we are isn't so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it."
  • My Sister's Keeper ::Jodi Picoult